Basic Tools To Use During Leadership Assessments

By Roger Cooper

A good leader is a treasure to himself and those under his care. However, such leaders need to meet a certain criterion that is beyond their years of experience or academic papers gathered. Leadership assessments help you to establish whether a person can perform well in a specific environment beyond his academic or professional proficiency. Here are assessments you can carry out to determine the potential of a leader.

Test on personal strengths. While people are required to perform specific roles in organizations, there are tasks that each person can perform naturally. This means that the person is not being forced to act and will not require training. The organization can therefore assign the best role to such a person based on his natural abilities. When making the assessment, you will not be tested against your friends or other workers. It is more about your inner strength than other people.

Emotional intelligence is one of the defining elements of excellent leaders. The aim is to measure how a person perceives and expresses him or herself. This assessment also helps to establish how you develop relationships and keep them going. Since the focus is on social relationships, it will help determine how you deal with challenges in such relationships. When leaders can build relationships with partners and colleagues, their organizations thrive.

Leadership energy index is important in establishing the type of energy a leader radiates. The natural course is for people under you to resonate with your vibrations. If you are positive and vibrant, they will respond in kind. The productivity and relationships in your organization will depend on the energy you radiate. Charismatic leaders produce better results because they transmit positivity to subjects below them.

Leadership circle assessment seeks to establish how you build a team to work with and distribute your ideas to them. The assessment will also establish your prowess in delegating duties and maintaining responsibility. There are leaders who concentrate power to themselves such that an organization would fall in their absence. The assessment assists the team to scoop out such leaders.

Passion assessment is mandatory in enabling leaders to reveal their driving force. Passion is a determinant of the rate of success. Some people are passionate about leading. Others want to have social impact. For others, they are creative minded and will turn around companies that are dying. This passion will also determine the kind of structures developed in an organization and people who are involved in building these structures.

Emergency reaction assessment tests the ability to effectively handle an emergency. Every organization will find itself in an emergency situation at one point or another. It takes a seasoned leader to find the best way out. There are short term and long term actions that need to be taken. Some people will make rational decisions. For others, their decisions make the situation worse.

Skills requirement will differ from one position or organization to the next. This calls for a customized assessment package targeting the leadership skills you need as an organization. Even in the same organization, attributes of a leader will depend on the role assigned. For instance, the composure of a news room is different from that of a surgical table or investment scenario. The choice of assessments to make will determine how suited a person will be to a role.

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