Tips And Tricks About Using Wordpress

By Dougherty Trent

It's harder to use WordPress than you might think. If you lack familiarity with this platform, any advice is beneficial to you. Remember that learning more about WordPress will make you more successful. Following are some helpful tips to help set you on the right path.

If you are doing a Wordpress blog for professional or search engine optimization purposes, don't let Wordpress actually host your blog. Put your blog on a different host and then just use the Wordpress application there. Blogs at Wordpress' website are sometimes deleted for being too commercial or deemed spammy in content.

If you plan to start a Wordpress blog, make sure that you offer readers more than just content. Even if you say many useful things, it may be quite difficult to engage readers with text. It would be a great idea to implement videos and pictures since this is a great attention grabber.

Allow all of the users that visit your site the ability to comment using Facebook. This is a very important tool that will get your name across to hundreds of thousands of people. The Simple Facebook Connect plugin can be used if you want to install this feature on your site.

Learn everything you can about WordPress choices to use it most effectively. It's important for you to understand what the different features do and how each option improves your webpage. You will see many formatting items under your control.

Pay attention to your footer. The bottom of your page does not just have to be wasted space. Instead, put in an important link or work in a few words about who you are and what you do. You could even use the footer to tell visitors a little more about the site itself.

Images make your blog look beautiful; however, the images can also help your site rank higher among search engines. One of the easiest ways to do this is to add keywords to your title tag and alternate tags. Both of these tags should contain precise keywords in order to rank your site appropriately.

Connect your posts via a linking plugin to easily provide visitors with more of your content. These types of plugins add several links at the end of every post, depending on how relevant the tags of your posts are in your website.

If your have opened up your Wordpress blog for comments, be sure to monitor and moderate the comments. You do not want any inappropriate comments to appear on your blog that can be offensive to your readers. When you moderate incoming comments, you can delete spam and anything that you do not want to display to your readers.

If you want a post to stay at the top of the page, there is no need to set it's date way in the future any longer. Instead, go to the post and click on Edit under Visibility. Choose the option which allows you to make the post sticky and enjoy!

Take the time to log out of your site every once in a while. Go back and look at it as a visitor. Doing so could allow you to see something that you are missing when you are logged in as an administrator. This step will not take very long, but it should set your mind at ease that everything is functioning the way that it should be.

WordPress can be difficult, especially if you are new to it. However, this article has given you helpful advice. Make sure that you utilize the information that you learned.

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