Will The Merger Be Good Or Bad For Directv Las Vegas

By Ines Flores

With their new merger still in the air, there are some small concerns for the future of cable/Internet providers. Already some customers were blocked from watching NFL Finals due to these companies having a financial conflict. Apparently, the bundles originally provided by DirecTv Las Vegas suddenly changed without notice or warning to their customers.

These sorts of unplanned events anger customers, and Americans are not silent at their displeasure. While they have seen many big corporate mergers, they are not tolerant of the lessening in customer service during this process. Many people had made plans to view these Finals, and without word were prevented from doing so through no fault of their own.

Even with this small embarrassment resulting largely from the hype which had been placed on the sports packages offered, few customers indicated that they would drop this CSP over it. Even with the great inconvenience, this sports package is still said to be the best one available. However, with so many customers having dropped prior cable companies and opted for the Genie just last year, it did put a little egg on their faces.

Not only that, but it does appear this merger will go through, and should benefit both corporations as well as the consumer. The Internet Service Provider stands to gain a whole new collection of customers, even if they are not gaining additional infrastructure for the products they offer. The cable company will be the ones gaining infrastructure through the U-Verse system, and both entities stand to expand their business.

Due to the controversy, the FCC did impose the 180-day review period for any consumer watchdogs to get their teeth and claws into the nuts and bolts of the deals being negotiated. This past year hsa seen some pretty incredibly unfair fines imposed due to copyright laws recently passed. In addition, the continuation of Internet Neutrality is an issue of great concern to the average consumer.

Getting into the cons of this particular paid television service provider goes to the heart of limits that modern technology can present. Storms, winds, snow, and ice can all have a serious impact on the quality of television service provided. In fact, on the Net, the buzz shows that this one small issue is the primary complaint all current as well as prior customers have.

It is necessary to pay attention to what objects may be blocking the satellite dish when it is installed. That climbing ivy or rose bush seemed like a great idea until the wind blows the awning in front of the dish, causing repeated or just plain constant delay of service on windy or rainy days. Moreover, putting it on the upper-most eave of the roof was a great idea till one realizes they live in a northern state where it stays covered in snow and ice from October to April, and someone has to climb up there and de-ice it.

The least talked-about consumer complaint involves money, oddly enough. Once the trial period ends, there can be a considerable jump in the cost of the service of the bundle, and the consumer is locked into that service for a period of time. However, the lack of real buzz on this issue shows that the public is willing to pay top price for a top service.

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