Make Your Own Incredibly Tasty Organic Granola Recipe

By Larry Fisher

Everyone can make impeccably tasty granola. The most basic thing is to get good quality, organic ingredients, starting with so called old fashion oats. Unrefined, whole oats are chewy and really tasty. As opposed to them you can use quinoa pieces, especially if you do not tolerate gluten. Using organic ingredients is always the best option. You will find a couple of suggestions here, so go on and make your most cherished organic granola recipe.

Pecan granola contains three cups organic oats, one cup chopped pecans, some green pumpkin seeds, one small spoon of cinnamon and the same quantity of fine-grain salt, and one large spoon of maple syrup and coconut oil. Mix all these ingredients together and bake for twenty minutes stirring once or twice. Let it cool, brake and add one cup chopped dried apricots.

Line the pan with parchment paper or use silicone baking sheets. If you want to add some coconut flakes in your pecan specialty, insert them when stirring your mixture during baking process, not right away. You are also allowed to add more maple syrup if you want, or replace it with honey, or combine these ingredients. It will taste great, crispy and sweet, especially when you add some fresh fruits when serving.

Use different ingredients, according to your taste. Walnuts, almonds or pistachios, whole dried cherries, sunflower seeds, cranberries, you may combine whatever you find appropriate. When it comes to dried fruit, you can add them into mixture before baking, or when granola cools down. If you add dried fruits to cold, baked granola, this will preserve more vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Other crazy tasty things you can add are cocoa nibs, cashews white chocolate, walnuts or peanuts or something comparably heavenly. Your granola can be saved for maybe two weeks at room temperature, closed in some air-tight can, yet you can put it in the cooler, when it will be preserved for three months. Well, you will eat it before that, that's for sure.

One particularly tasty formula contains two mugs oats, one container peanuts and one vast spoon nutty spread, honey or maple syrup, coconut oil, coconut chips and sliced dried fruits, spiced with a smidgen of salt, cinnamon and ground ginger. It should be baked for approximately twenty minutes, let it cool and include some chocolate chips. You could also include fruits before or after, yet chocolate chips have to be added in finished mixture.

It is really important to stir at least twice during baking. This will make all the ingredients brown at the same stage. In case you have gluten intolerance, maybe you should use quinoa pieces rather than oats, although it is possible to find gluten free products that are organic. Maybe you think you should not add salt, yet this makes granola extensively more delicious. Pumpkin get-up-and-go blends improve taste, as well as ginger powder or cinnamon.

Combine your favorite ingredients and don't be afraid to add something new in your favorite mixture. Serve it with fresh fruits, yogurt, milk, ice cream or juice, it's up to you. Be creative and the result will surprise you. You simply cannot buy something so tasty. And, if you include your children in this process of making it, they will surely enjoy their breakfast.

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