The Importance Of Redirects For Long Island SEO

By Arthur Williams

A redirect, for those not in the know, is an instance when a link on a website leads a user to an entirely different location. This isn't an uncommon instance, either, as anyone that works in Long Island SEO most likely implemented redirects in the past. What cannot be denied, though, is their collective importance to Internet marketing in general. If you'd like to know more about redirects, for search engine optimization and otherwise, please read on.

One of the reasons why Long Island SEO companies use redirects is because certain pages have been taken down. For one reason or another, these pages might have to be removed, though the links directing people to them will remain. This is where redirects come into play, as they will allow people to be directed to entirely different sections. As a result, 404 errors will be minimized, which is one of the efforts that companies like fishbat can carry out.

What if you have to move your site to an entirely different domain? This can be done for many reasons, including rebranding, meaning that there will be numerous changes to be made. Fortunately, if you use redirects, you won't have to worry about your pages or their content being lost. Furthermore, you'll be able to maintain your SEO progress, which will help keep your rankings on track and not have them falter.

Redirects can also be used as a result of changing URLs in order to make them shorter. A general rule of thumb, when creating a website, is to make URLs as short and sweet as possible. This is what search engines will look for when ranking different sites. Furthermore, it will make finding your site easier for others, as they won't type as much in their search bars. When changing URLs, it's important for redirects to be incorporated.

Now that you understand a few reasons as to why redirects are implemented, it's important to note what can happen if these aren't incorporated. One of the possibilities to make note of is a decrease in search engine rankings. After all, if a website doesn't perform across all fronts, it won't be given as much weight by Google and other search engines. For this reason alone, you should consult an SEO specialist to help with redirects.

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