What You Need To Know About Hiring In Home Care Sherman Oaks CA Assistants

By Marie Ward

If you have a sick person to take care of or an elderly person who needs assistance, it might not be possible for you to look after them on a full time basis. That is why it is essential that you find outside assistance. You can hire in home care Sherman Oaks CA professionals to help you. Here are the steps on how to do this effectively.

You need to outline what your needs are. Do this with the help of your loved one's physician. Have a doctor evaluate the patient, so that they tell you what their most important needs are. Write this down. This will help you know what things you need to be assisted with, so that you can let the assistant you are hiring know. Also, figure out what your expectations of the assistant are.

Next, you need to decide where you are going to find the expert. There are several ways to find one. One of the best is through recommendations made by friends and relatives. They can refer you to someone that they have used in the past and have been happy with. Alternatively, you can choose to go through an agency. The advantage of this is that the agency will take care of all the details of paying the person and setting up their insurance payments and tax issues.

Figure out how much money you can afford to spend to pay the assistant. If the patient has insurance, check how much they can spend. You can also pay the assistant through savings or even take a reverse mortgage. In addition, you can have family members pool resources together, so as to raise the amount of money required to be paid on a monthly basis.

The next step is for you to come up with a schedule for the patient and the whole family. Figure out who will be responsible for what duties. Then figure out who will be responsible for the patient at what times. This will help you workout the work hours of the assistant and the specific days of the week they will be required to come over.

When advertising for the job, give a comprehensive brief of the situation and what your requirements are. Do not forget to include the state of the patient. Outline if they need any special care and their physical, as well as mental and emotional state.

Check out the applicants and screen them to find which ones meet you needs. In addition, carry out background checks on the individuals. Screen the top candidates over the phone. Those who pass these stage should then be invited for an in person interview.

During the in person interview, let the assistant interact with your loved one. Observe how they relate. You can give them light tasks to do together. For instance, prepare and eat snacks together or let them watch TV together or workout a puzzle together. Once you identify the person that you would like to work with the patient, contact their references. You also need to write them a contract. This should outline work hours, wages, job description and acceptable behavior while at work in your house.

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