Easy Tricks To Keep Your Home Germ Free

By Catherine Wilson

It is the joy of everyone to have a family without diseases or infections. However, it is impossible to avoid germs that can be found everywhere. They spread the diseases and cause nasty infections. These damaging effects can be avoided by maintain a germ free environment in the house. Here are tips that will help keep your home free of germs.

Make a habit to wash your hands regularly. Hand washing is especially important when you come from the toilet. There are more germs in the toilet than many other places within the house. By washing your hands, you avoid transferring the germs. Scrub your hands thoroughly and in the prescribed manner so that all areas are covered. This routine must also be taught to kids.

Keep personal effects to yourself. Sharing is one of the easiest ways to spread germs. This golden rule must be observed by both kids and adults because it will stop a great deal of germs spreading. Some of the items that help to spread the germs easily include the tooth brush, lip balm, water bottle and ear buds. These items come into too close contact with the body such that they pick germs easily. The ease with which they pick the germs makes spreading equally fast.

Cover your mouth when sneezing and coughing. This rule should also extend to read avoid spitting anywhere and everywhere. Sneezing should be done at the crook of the elbow or on a tissue. Health experts discourage you from sneezing into the hand because it makes the spread of germs easier. Wash your hands after sneezing because you have collected a lot of germs in the process.

Keep the hands away from your face. The hands come into contact with a lot of germs. The delicate nature of the face means that these germs can easily be spread. It is especially sensitive for kids who catch a lot of dirt as they move around. Take precaution to ensure that children do not take their hands to the nose, ears and mouth.

Have a routine that ensures that your entire house is clean. This will keep the number of germs in your house at the lowest level. Counter tops, tables, utensils and floors easily collect germs especially when they stay long without cleaning. Use disinfectants that are natural to ensure that germs do not grow resistant and lender these disinfectants ineffective.

Keep all the areas around the house dry. The kitchen and bathroom are the most prone to wetness because water is being used throughout the day. High humidity and moisture levels herald an outburst of germs that will easily be spread to other areas.

Maintain adequate natural lighting and ventilation. Fresh air reduces the accumulation of these harmful germs in a house. Natural heat and light also kill germs or reduces their proliferation. Natural light and heat are considered among the most effective sanitizing methods.

Monitor air quality and maintain it at optimum level at all times. Monitoring helps you to take appropriate action when the need arises. Develop a routine of drawing curtains and opening windows to attract natural light. Groom and clean pets because they are a perfect avenue to spread germs.

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